Sunday, September 12, 2010

Escapism 101

Sometimes life thoroughly sucks.

These are the times when the tried and true methods of escapism can come to the rescue. There is a lot trash talk surrounding the lacking virtues of escapism but I firmly believe that it has a time, place and purpose in this world. Just like disc jockeys. Still, you must be mindful as some forms of escapism (and disc jockeys) often lead to increased suckage.


*Drugs. Trust me.

*Alcohol. Trust David Hasselhoff.

*Random Sexual Partners. Trust Hugh Grant.

*Violence. It is a sweet, sweet release but tends to result in arrest.


*A New Hair Color.

*A Good Book

*Hot Chocolate

And, obviously...







I feel better already.


  1. I have to say, Jen, that I simply adore you. I know, I know. In a lot of ways we barely know each other. But it's like every time I learn something new about you, often through reading this blog (one of my escapism techniques is to catch up on reading people's posts), I find myself grinning and nodding my head, thinking, "Yup. Agreed. Ditto. Love it!" Thank you for being you and thank you for sharing aspects of yourself publicly via blogspot.

  2. Oh Jenny, Jen... I am always bummed that we only got to hang out for a month or two! I too love to blog stalk people. It's very cathartic to just purge on a blog site. You feel like you have expelled something and that helps you to make sense of it and move on BUT people don't have to read it if they don't want to so you aren't inflicted it others. I am sure most of my friends and family appreciate that.

  3. I am a big fan of the hot chocolate one. Or any kind of chocolate. The darker, the better. Mmmm . . . why isn't there chocolate in my house right now?! :)
