Monday, December 28, 2009


Who would have thought that I, yes I, the only and only lazy McLaz-erson, would actually enjoy work and look forward to going in the next day? Not I. Not I. One of my favorite people, Miss RayRay Vega, taught me that things are more meaningful if you say them twice in a row.

Anyway, I am so happy to have a job that I actually like and (I think) I am good at. Hey, this is NEW gloating. You see, until today, I wasn't SURE that I liked the job, I just assumed/hoped I would. Now I know. It's the kind of job where I forget to look at the clock and all of a sudden it's time to leave. Awesome.

Plus the building I work in is super cute.


1 comment:

  1. When did the job happen and where is it?! I'm super excited for you! I promise, I will come and visit soon. I'm spending the week avoiding Provo though :)
