Monday, May 10, 2010

The Craziest Weeks of My Life

... and that includes the times I blacked out from my migraine medications. Here is a chronological list of my life over the past 2 weeks...
1. A very good friend of mine called me at work to tell me she had found a rotting corpse when she went to check on a lady who no one had heard from in a week or so. Creepy. I was terrified and I didn't even see it!
2. My Gramma Hill, who is insanely healthy, was admitted to the hospital and considered in critical condition for a few days because of blood clots found in her legs and lungs.
3. Sophie Grace Draper was born on May 7th at 3:17pm and was perfectly healthy and amazing. (This is a good thing but it still contributed to some of the chaos).
4. Steph and Sophie came home on Saturday (26 hours after delivery!) and I went to Smith's to do some grocery shopping. I forgot peanut butter and Steph decided she wanted apple juice as well so an hour after I came home Justin headed out. While he was there a shooting occurred in the store. No lie. It turns out the police fired and the only person hurt was the bad guy but still pretty terrifying, especially before we knew what had happened. Justin is handling it well but I wasn't.
5. I have been feeling weirdly ill with migraines and stomach issues all weekend.
6. I got laid off... about four hours ago. They cut the writing department. I am not quite sure how they are going to manage that but oh, well. C'est la vie.
So, yeah, I need a vacation from my problems. Where is Dr. Leo Vankmen when you need him?
I am still in shock about being laid off. I was just given a raise and given full time hours so I was not at all expecting to be lose my job. And I don't qualify for unemployment because I didn't work in this city in 2009. Which makes sense but still adds stress! I have already started sending out resumes and I know that it will work out right. I have been thinking about going back to school and this seems to be a pretty clear cut indicator that school would not be a bad idea for moi.
My goal is to not freak out. This is the kind of situation that would generally lead to a meltdown and relocation. But I am not that person anymore. I will find a job and I will go to school. I will still send out my first two chapters as planned.
And I will enjoy my new niece!


  1. Hang in there, kiddo! (I like calling you that even though you are one month older than me. :) )

  2. wo, talk about sttanger than fiction! could be a great novel if it weren't totally stressful. best wishes in your search. congrats on the niece!
