Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Manipulate Dink

Whenever I type in my url for this site it looks like manipulate dink to me instead of manipulated ink. Oh, well.

I had a good birthday yesterday. Lots of birthday wishes. This is was only my second birthday away from Tucson (the first time was my 24th birthday when I was up in Olympia visiting Bethy) so I was a little worried I would be bummed, especially being sick and all, but it was actually just right.

I failed at having a first draft done by August 23rd. I failed miserably. And, though it is really only valid for the past month or so, I totally blame the kidney infection. Everyone knows that a writer's kryptonite is a kidney infection. Keep up, people! I still love my story and I am still excited to see how Remie gets from point A to point B (and C, D, E, F... all the way back to A. Lots of plot twists in this tale).

I really, really, REALLY need to better about "working" on my first draft and on my articles. I am so lazy. I think I might start posting my favorite lines from what I have written each week in an effort to feel accountable. Might.

Also, the word might annoys me. It sounds like my-nt, at least when I pronounce it. What is that you say? There is a simple solution? Just stop pronouncing that way? Thanks a lot Catherine Obvious! (Ha, sadly, I go the phrase "Catherine Obvious" from a really dumb Nickolodeon show that i, embarrassingly, really like).

Its like when Mom says pellow instead of pillow or melk instead of milk. It is not like when my Gramma Nye says warsh instead of wash or when I say crick instead of creek. Those ones are too cool for school, my friends.

In fine, I need to write more.

1 comment:

  1. There's probably some poor soul out there named Dink who is freaking out because there's a whole blog devoted to getting people to manipulate him. He probably has some paranoia issues, as well as other issues . . . I mean, his name is Dink, after all.
