Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Last night at FHE my dear sweet new best pal, Melinda, asked me if I wanted to swim. She's special, what can I say. Eventually, "Do you want to swim?" evolved into, "Do you want to swim in a triathlon with me?" I will give you a moment to collect yourself from your hysterical laughter.

There. Now I think you can make it through the rest of this with only a soft tremor of giggles. That's how I have existed since this question was posed to me last night. After my laughter subsided, slightly, Melinda told me that this triathlon occurs towards the end of July. Hmmm... that is a decent amount of time away. She also assured me that she was not concerned with winning, which is apparent in her choice of partner, at least in my case but was still important information.

So, guess what? I'M GONNA DO IT! I love swimming, I'm from the desert, after all. I have been trying to motivate myself to get more active. Having tuberculosis has gotten in the way of my motivation but, since it's apparently with me FOREVER, I am just going to ignore it from now on. I am still going to take up rock climbing like I have wanted to but now it will become a part of my strength training!

I know that I am the last person on earth whom you might imagine voluntarily competing in a triathlon or a marathon or a walk to the mail box. But if the past months have taught me anything it is that change is possible and not nearly as terrifying as it appears to be in the beginning.

So, Melly, thanks for giving me a goal! Now you have to exercise with me! And stop feeding me ridiculously delicious sweets. And RayRay, thanks for being all healthy and marathon-tastic! I will think of you every day and use your pretty face as motivation!

I'm nuts.

(Disclaimer: I call people named Melinda or Rachel or Haylee or Alycen or Maddison's boyfriend Brad things like Melly or RayRay or HayHay or Aly-bug or B-Rad specifically because they are such ditzy and ridiculous nicknames. It's ironic! Okay. So instead of making fun of me you should bask in my glorious irony! Thanks.)


  1. Jen, that is awesome!!! You are my new hero! Are you doing the whole triathlon or just the swimming part? (I don't mean just as in this isn't much, I mean rather than running and biking - I can't swim at all. And it is an awesome feat! You can do it, Jen!!!)

  2. I am only doing the swimming for this one. I don't think 6 months would be enough time for me to tackle all three! And I hate running more than anything else except maybe ice skating. Melinda is doing the biking and her sister is doing the running. I am excited though! I have been running up and down the stairs all day. It's cold outside. I am going to need to find an indoor pool though because swimming is a very muscle specific sport.

    You are my inspiration, though. I love you!

  3. You are so awesome, Jen! I have total faith in you! Just make sure you make a plan and then adjust as you go. You're going to rock! When is it? (You are motivating me to someday get in the pool and face my inabilities . . . maybe.) Go Jen!

  4. friends who can start with one word, "swimming," and end up partners for a TRY-atholon are cool. love the posts, very entertaining. :)
